
Healthier soon?

Ouchy my muscles!!!

I've been attempting to"better" myself thru excersise.

Walking,Jogging,and even using the weight machines.

I've been in horrible shape,and I definitely feel it now.

I hope this helps.

My rarely used muscles and other appendages have been burning and aching,but damn,it makes me feel better about me.

I mean if you're gonna be in pain all the time,why not a healthy pain that gives you a mild sense of hope at least.

Too much abuse for too long.

This is a small effort now,but deffinitely a big step.

Let's hope I continue.

A good friend of mine said alittle back that they think maybe I'll just snap one day and change.

I was worried that I was stuck permanetly in my lazy,depressed,nothings worth trying mode,what she said inspired me I think.

I've gotten to the point where I don't like myself enough to take my advice or listen to me,so I tend to listen to what others think about me and steer towards that.

I don't usually fall for that"If I say he'll fail or do nothing,he'll try to prove me wrong" ,reverse pyschology shit.

I usually just believe you if I like you.

So thank you for steering my subconsious in a healing direction!

Yes I mean you lovely Rudo!

You have know idea how helpful you actually are,I hope I didn't infect you with any of my horrid negativity.

Hugs to you!!!

3:19 a.m. . by Timm Jumper