
Tomatoes,? taste your dinner?

It's getting stronger as I get sicker?

Not sure,

Bad health but mind,odd abilities increasing.

Ecspecially when I get close to somone.

Tonight I could taste from miles away,taste what somone was eating.

I didn't think it was possible,just an amusing idea.

I even had this entire conversation in my head with them,joking and saying how I knew,but sure enough it was real.

I've smelled things over the phone,been hearing or thinking what people will say exactly alot,right before they say it.

Like,these responses to statement I think ,I wonder why I would want to respond like that,but suddenly somone else says it,usually while I'm looking at them.

I've been able to do wierd shit like this for awhile now,but just recently it's getting more impressive and accurate.

Also I have proof.

Like when I say what somone is thinking right before they say it,or I ask if they are eating or smoking something becase I taste or smell it,and they are miles away.

It seems to get better the more I drift away.

Id love to develope this,but am not sure what needs to happen in order to do so.

Do I really want to know what people are thinking?

Do I really want to confirm all the ugliness I feel?

I think it might be worth the advantage,the thrill of impressing others with trivial intuitions.

I will learn to stop hearts with my mind!!!!!

Then you all must fear!!!!

That is but those I love most!

You are safe,but be warned,if you anger me,I will think you out of exsistence!!!!

Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!

2:38 a.m. . by Timm Jumper