
kdfjs hfdsklhflsi;jf

"You'll never get all your glow crayons back!,you abandoned us,and I can float on the ceiling!"

Dreams amuse me ever so much.

They can be terrifying,morbid,depressing,informative,delightful,exciting,or just such random nonsense ,but never ever boring to me.

There rarely is a steady plot or story line.Ever changing,feeling like channel surfing at 5 in the morning,occasionally catching random pieces of movies that grab your attention for a second or so then ,*flip* something else.

Sometimes I'll try to focus and force myself to dream about something,it never works.

If something is bothering me alot,I will dream it.

I like the nonsense dreams the most.They distract me from everything,and amuse me to no end.

Zip!!! time for work!!

12:29 p.m. . by Timm Jumper