
Toast the fallen!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

I'm going to see Mogwai!!!!!!!!!

Yay!!!,in about a half hour I'm gonna leave to go get paid to drink wine,then I'm gonna skip town,all the way to the slums of Deleware,and then zippp!,down to Philly,and then Mogwai!!!!!!

I had to dump a shit load of booze out at work on saturday,it was horrible!The alcoholic in me was in tears.

All because of some stupid drunk lady's inability to properly drive a vehicle while she was doulbe the legal drinking limit,and already on probation for DUI.Bammm!! right thru the fucking wall she went.

That bitch knocked out a whole shelf of the German wine!That's fucking Blasphemous!,and what didn't get destroyed,I had to dump down the drain cause it was"unfit for sale"

I want you all to mourn this loss,and let's all get a nice glass of the german wine,and toast the fallen.

12:38 p.m. . by Timm Jumper