
Who the fuck is Timmy?

I have a question.Why does everyone automatically call me "Timmy" whenever they start to like me?Never fails,anytime I get a job or meet someone as soon as they consider me a friend ,or a nice guy,or "Oh you're cute,or funny,he he"they start refering to me as Timmy.

My manangers and fellow employees started it up now.

I'm always being all nice to them,or kissing ass ,or just being silly,so guess who I am again."Timmy!"

Oh poor litte Timmy with the puppy dog eyes,and he's just so god-damn funny,and he's so mother fucking silly,and He's just so god-damn fucking sweet.

Actually ,I don't really mind it ,I like it when people like me,just curious ,thats all.

Good night


12:40 a.m. . by Timm Jumper