

I want out of here!!

Please somebody kidnap me and make my life a little less mundane.

Nothing hurts like nothing,well according to a song I wrote.

don't exactly know exactly what it means,I have a good idea though.

Pleeaasseee,I'm lonely and slipping further and further away.

How about you,my fellow street lamp enthusiast.We share a common power,the abiity to alter the almighty streetlights,I unforntunately cannot do it at will yet.Just freaky constant outtages and such.

Yes yes,I've been studying you,I've noticed you noticed me and I wish to make contact.

Will you kidnapp me?Take me away from my basement for ahwile?

We'll see i guess.

It's coming...oh god it's coming for me..the nothing..AHHHH!!!!

12:07 a.m. . by Timm Jumper