
I'm tired,I hate yardsales

I'm not really awake right now but I can still slightly function.

I awoke from my dreams of pain around 815 am to hear the all to familiar"WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY BUM!" from my uncle"TIME FOR YARD SALES!"

Apparently I agreed to go yard sale shoppin with me family today.Why?,I have no fucking clue.I guess I figured I'd try to find a bargain or something,anything besides my boring basement filled life.

I bought 2 movies and found a notebook with bar notes lying in a parking lot.Hoorah!

My dream,yes I almost forgot.It's still fuzzy but I think I remember being upset,one of those mean evil dreams in which I'm not loved and somone is mean to me and tired of my insanity or something.Took me awhile to remember it was just a dream today.Made me very sad,I know it's just my fears coming out as crazy mind movies,but it still hurts a little to think it might happen.

ok i go to eat now ,bye bye

12:01 p.m. . by Timm Jumper