
I'm kinda like jesus when i bleed

I'm sooo damn tired.My stomache is gonna explode soon,and I feel like vomitting.....ha ha,i bet ya thought I was drinking didn't ya?! Well noo,No drinkin,just horrible mexican platters.I went out with g-ma and momm and uncle last night to a crappy mexican place ,and ohh god I'm I reaping it's mexican torture now.I'm not sure why I'm up right now.Mom woke me up at 830 and I tried hard to get ready but kept falling over.I've slept less and awoken earlier many times,but today it was horrible.elt like i was dead untill a thousand mexican demons started bitch-slapping the hell out of my inards.I was in the midle of a dream when she awoke me,I'm usually tired if that happens,plus I haven't slept very well at all this week.I get all sad and can't wake up.I'm sad but ok at the same time.Lots of really wonderful memories have been written,and I think all the belly pains and sleeplessness is worth it.

I'm sleepier then a dead ,coked up baboon right now si I'm gonna ramble a little bit.

Someimes I bleed,I'm kinda like jesus,and sometimes aliens try to probe me while singing white christmas,How dare you?..I can't do this..sometimes my heart wants to explode and I vomit with love,how do you know if somone really loves you?..You vomit of course! then you dance dance dance and convulse like a freezing epileptic..ha ha ha it's true for me at least..now if you'll excuse me I have to return a little of mexico back to the sewery hells it came from.

peace uot and stay indian

8:54 a.m. . by Timm Jumper