
The arrival,or shall I say return)of the green one

Finally they've made there presence known to me.

All year long I've been waiting with one eye alwyas slighty wacthing out for them.

Every summer you see I see them,usually with a friend or every now and again alone.

Since I was younger I've been scared shitless of these creatures,but last summer I decided to face my fears and confront them.This fear was so strong I even began to sense them>I could tell when I was about to see one,I'd be walking with a friend ,suddenly stop,feel the urge to vomit and there he'd be.Wacthing me..

Well this yeat it's been different.I haven't seen them at all,or felt their presence.Maybe they fed off my fear and now that I've chosen to confront them ,and even look forward to seeing them a little,I've lost my magic.

Well tonight it happened.i'm walking to my car from work,about to get in when I suddenly almost fell over and jumped onto the back of my car.He wasn't very big but I still he caught me off gaurd,and for a second I was more fearful then koonta kintay at a klan rally..(you'll have to excuse the somewhat racists comparison,I'm simply trying to give a good mental picture of my fear,and lack a better reference..he he)

Anyway,I calmed down immediately and found myself squatting down beside it,choking back the vomitty-fear,I observed him and smiled. I even considered touching him and clearing away from the dangers of the parking lot,but ,hey,I'm still pretty fucking scared of large insects regardless if we have some kind of special bond.

Imagine,a whole parking lot,fairly large in size,any car,any spot with in at least 2 acres of cars,and he is smack-dad in front of mine,patiently waiting my departure from work.

It was like they were saying"Hello Tim,You've been waiting,wondering where we were,well here we are!! still very much spooky and ready to haunt your every waking hour,and dreams,MWa ha ha ha!!"

The bad thing was that he was right at my car.I needed to back up and I didn't want to run him over,but was too afaraid to actually pick him up.I had to chuckle to myself a little,any other time in my life I would have siezed the oppurtuniy to run one of those green fuckers over in a heartbeat,and now here it is,looking me straight in the face saying"You still fear me,You still want me dead,well do it fucker!!,try it,I give my little green soul to you"

I didn't though,I simply got in the car,carefully back out ,and then checked to make sure he was ok.I then smiled at him,gave a polite wave and went home,thinking til next time my silly green friend.

As I left I noticed one of my manangers coming out and kind of glancing at me,I wonder what he thought of my whole little"episode " in the parking lot.

Well,fuck him,he hasn't even the slightest notion as to the secret of the mantis king.MWA HHA HA HA HA

10:40 p.m. . by Timm Jumper