

My dreams are cruel.

Sometimes they are of lovely storys that I am loved as much as I love.Other times they are nightmares that the ones I love want nothing to do with me,or taunt me .I'm not sure which I hate more.Sure these lovely dreams paint a beautiful potrait of a life I so long for ,but then I awake and find reality that much more unbearable.The cruel dreams tend to leave me with a horrible feeling for the rest of the day.I know they are just cruel jokes of my sub-conscious mind ,but I can't help to think for even a second,what if they are real..

Please,please whoever is in charge of my dreams.Neil gaimen? is it you?

please,just let me sleep.sleep in darkness for hours,without cruelty or sick visions of a fantasy that might never exsist...


4:49 a.m. . by Timm Jumper