


Oh how some people upset me so.

I'd enjoy responding harshly to certain childish little boys,but that would only bring about more negative responses.

Certain people are simply too close minded or set in their dillusions to even accept the slightest idea they they might be wrong about something,or just an asshole.

Oh well,I pity them,and feel a little sorry for them,although I think alot of times they deserve all the pain they have and alot more.

I'd wish lots of bad things upon them,but they will bring them upon themselves as always,and I really don't like saying or thinking things out of anger.

P.s. Justin,you are a chidish,dillusional,obsessive,peice of donkey shit and as far as I'm concern you can fuck right off,

oops sorry,I slipped...I need to meditate out this negativity..

4:33 a.m. . by Timm Jumper