


A common theme in my life.One In which I am constantly haunted with,Whether or not I shall,or care to make the right one.

If there even is a right and wrong,I'm not certain.

As far as I know their are simply choices,and different results obtained thru our different choices.

One leading towards positive results,

and one leading towards negative results,but either way,either road we choose ,contains a vast amount of knowledge.

Unfortunately,the hardest roads have the most information,and often times the most crucial information .In a way it's life's way of making up for the pain,a little reward for the sacrifice we must indure.

Are we capable of sacrificing momentary pleasures,for long-term happines,and do we even possess the knowledge to tell the difference between the two,or are we simply drifting along thru eternity without any form of relevance to life or the rest of the universe?

Anyway, back to the topic of choice,I have been haunted with this as long as I can remeber,and as far as I know have not yet learned to fully understand the affects of a "bad " decision.I know what my choices are,I know what I need to do,and I know of a road I must travel,but what I've gained in knowledge ,I lack in wilpower,strength,and ambition.

I need somone,something,to work towards.

All I want is to be loved ,the way I love,to have even the slightest glimpse of my dreams come true,a simple step to stand on in order to reach that star in which I've been trying to grasp for what seems forever now.

A simple push towards the right direction,and perhaps I'll learn to choose correctly for once.

I sleep now..............

3:48 a.m. . by Timm Jumper