
Hills and bats.

Had some odd dreams last night,they seemed to go on and on.
I was sick all day and had to get up early so I took some sleeping medicine and went to bed around 10:30,and man the dreams.
They've been very lucid,very real,and sometimes scary.
For some reason I was in a kitchen in some house eating breakfast with my mother.
She was telling me stories of her father,one in particular about a Hill.
She told me when she was little,she always wanted to spend time with her father,but he was too busy and had other plans,so instead she ended up climbing this hill.One day, when she got to the top,her father had just reached it as well,but by climbing up the other side.He was with some women that he had been secretly spending all his time with, he didn't want her to know about this,and she had been sneeking out to play by herself on this hill,so she didn't want him to find out either,but they both met at the top,in an awkwardness of both having secrets.They had bonded in there secrets.
I tried to find some kind of moral to this,but just felt sad.
Then I was at a church talking to people I used to know there,explaining how much I've changed,and how I hated the place.
Then I started walking,through a mall,and ended up in a large graveyard.
I was gradually get more and more frightened,telling myself nothing was here but rotting dead people,but it was getting dark soon,and the thought of being alone in a strange graveyard frightened me so I tried to find my way out as fast as I could.
I came across these museleums,and walked down into one,they had hallways that went way undergound like cellars,and I started seeing what appeared to be these vampire bats hanging in the corners,asleep with long fangs.
There was an ominous ,etheral music playing,I tried to walk slowly while making as little noise as possible,to keep from awakening these creatures.
Right before I made it out I was awakened by the loud static of my radio alarm clock.
The end
Hmmm,those bats were very spooky!!

3:37 p.m. . by Timm Jumper