
Shake ,shake,shake for love!

Happy Epilepsy Day!
That's right shake shake shake with love!
Ha ha ha,allow me to explain why that's so funny.
I was doing some research into this "lovely" Holiday at which I spent the majority of,once again,with my grand ma.
I found out that one version of it's origins stated that St. Valentine was also known as The saint of Epilepsy due to his relationship with those inflicted with this disease,which he might have had as well.
Also known as Valentines disease.
So if you meet that special somone today,get that "feeling" and start to feel faint and shakey,and somone says"aww,how cute he has Valentine's disease!"find a way to the hospital immediately.
There is a thin line between Love and Epilepsy,and before you go spouting off those words"I love you!!" You might want to hold your tounge,or somone might have to hold it for you,while you violently shake on the floor !
Happy Epilepsy Day!!!

4:30 p.m. . by Timm Jumper