
I voted yes for Water!

So I awoke in this daze,fucked up dreams brought on by magic tonics of insanity.

Cathy hovers above me,"sleepy head!"

Want to go to the diner?

I couldn't really function properly,balance and gravity were against me,but I mananged to join the waking world for lunch.

Little diners and the elderly.I heard somone in the background"I just did my civic duty.did you?"

Then I remebered,"Oh yeah,it's go votey day!"

So I did what any good American would do and downed a beer to add to my insanity and stumbled on down to the votey place.

I wander in and mumble loudly,"Hi!,I'm not sure if I'm properly registered or what,and this is my first,so you'll need to explain things to me I suppose"

Apparently I'm registered as Independent,which means I could only vote on one question.

"Do I approve of the borrowing of 250,000,000 dollars to fix water treatment,preservation,cleaning...etc"

I asked "Well,I'm all about clean water and the environment,but exactly where are we getting this money from?,who exactly do we burrow it from?"

"Good question the lady replys",Then this guy tries to explain something about bonds and borrowing from corporations with interest.

Alright then,long as it isn't out of my pocket or taken away from other important programs,I'll vote.

Yes! I voted Yes for Water!

I think I made a good choice,I'm not sure.

I did my duty for the first time,and now I get to Vote later for getting rid of a certain annoying monkey !

I think I wanna vote for Mike Patton,too bad he's not running for anything.

2:24 p.m. . by Timm Jumper