
Nuclear war on the dance floor!

So alot has happened since Christmas,and I haven't written a damn thing about any of it,hmmm....

Wellfirst of all,I had a lovely new years.There were alot of people in my house and that kinda unnerved me a little but I just clang to meghan and that kept me calm.It was so wonderful being with her,and dancing and drinking like it was going out of style.

OK,forward about a week or so.......

I was one of the best men in my friend's wedding.It was a little to preachy for me,but it was nice.I loved wearing that monkey suit.I think it gave me magical dance powers,because I shook a leg like a fucking fiend ,I was the cock of the walk so to say.ha ha ha!! I was a "nuclear War on the dance floor!"

to quote band I like,

-guess the band and win a cookie.

The party was fun fun fun!

Free booze!

Then we had a little get together back at my dwelling and I shook a rug thier as well!!!!

Well,I'm gonna go eat now!!

Keep dancing my lovelies!

I miss meggy!!

3:20 p.m. . by Timm Jumper