

Chaos!,absolute chaos is here!

I'm really not too good a comforting people,I get wierd and just talk about silly bullshit to try and loose focus on what's really going on.

That's always been my way I suppose.I get silly and make jokes when I'm uncomfortable.

We were never very serious.By we I mean my family and I.My mother and me ecspecially.

There were many times yes,when she would be mad at me,or I'd ended crying about something,and for a moment that emotional wall we have built up breaks a little,but then later it's back to crackin jokes and not sharing our true feelings.

I've gotten alot better eith it I think.It's probably due to the drinking.I think everytime I've ever actually opened up alot,I was drunk.

ha ha,that's sad I guess.

That or when I get horribly depressed my mind kinda opens up a little more,of course when I'm hrribly depressed I usually get drunk so hmm...

Well,I guess I'll try my best,

Life sure does seem to suck a cock these days,but things always change,so I have faith in that.

3:26 p.m. . by Timm Jumper