
I don't know you...

Hey,here is something slightly amuzing.

Last month I found someones name on my buddy list and I have no idea how it got there.

Well On mother's day they sent me an instant message and apparently thought I was some role playing geek's friend or something.I just remembered I saved the conversation..here comes the insanity......

Snwmobublr377: hey u still hate me

I L M 512: when did I say I hate you?

I L M 512: and who the hell are you?

Snwmobublr377: the last time we talked

I L M 512: Liar

I L M 512: I never told anyone I hated them

I L M 512: ever

Snwmobublr377: remember im the noob whoran away and u killed telekea and and laughed

Snwmobublr377: adn calle dme a noob

I L M 512: no,you're crazy

Snwmobublr377: no im not

Snwmobublr377: wow

I L M 512: crazy I say

Snwmobublr377: ur telekeas friend

I L M 512: crazy

Snwmobublr377: wahtever

Snwmobublr377: im crazy

I L M 512: who is telekea?

I L M 512: is that even a real word

Snwmobublr377: no nevermind

I L M 512: damn it who are you

Snwmobublr377: i htought u were someone i talked to a little while bakc

Snwmobublr377: he made fun of me

Snwmobublr377: adnd i wanted to talk

I L M 512: sure you typed in the right name?

I L M 512: and how did you get on my list?

I L M 512: are you a demon,possesing me while I sleep

I L M 512: and making me add your name to my list

Snwmobublr377: no

I L M 512: what's with your profile?are you a dirty porn solicitor?

Snwmobublr377: no

I L M 512: ahh,but I think you are

Snwmobublr377: soem gay people put taht crap in there

I L M 512: whats your name,and why do you know my screen name?

I L M 512: and why can't you spell?

I L M 512: and where are my pants

Snwmobublr377: i told u im mistaking u

Snwmobublr377: or are u playin dumb

I L M 512: and why's is a gopher chewing on my wiener

I L M 512: I'm the first servant of colsak the darkest of all nebulas

Snwmobublr377: ok

I L M 512: he will punish thee who try and play evil games upon his followers

I L M 512: so saith colsak!!!

I L M 512: repent ye! repent!

Snwmobublr377: im not doin g anythin

I L M 512: name thyself ,or burn with the stars in reverse!

Snwmobublr377: justin

Snwmobublr377: my anme is justin

I L M 512: I know a Justin,he was evil

I L M 512: an evil schitzs

I L M 512: bad things fell upon him

I L M 512: and worse shall come

I L M 512: he,nice talking to you Justin

I L M 512: I gotta go now

Snwmobublr377: ok

Snwmobublr377: can i talk to u again

I L M 512: have a good mothers day you random person

Snwmobublr377: you too

Snwmobublr377: but can i still talk ot u

I L M 512: I don't know who you are

I L M 512: I fear strangers

Snwmobublr377: and i dont know who u are

Snwmobublr377: say what u just said again

Snwmobublr377: please i missed

I L M 512: I fear the unknown

Snwmobublr377: im sorry

Snwmobublr377: happy mothers day

Snwmobublr377: goodbye

I L M 512: farewell

Well..How bout that,if anyone wants to fuck with this random Idiot,add him to your buddy list and just say random things to them,ha ha ha

2:49 p.m. . by Timm Jumper