
I'm a movin on out!


I'm actually somewhat excited,it finally dawned on me tonight,I am actually moving out of my mom's basement.Mah homeskillet Jason axed me when I was moving in so I looks at the calendar and was like"shit man,next week i guess"

I looked in the room I'll be in and was like"yah man,I'ma put mah posters here and a tent here and yeah!"

I hope it works out,I'm so tired of being in this basement depressed all the time.

I think maybe I have a chance now to grow up a little.Not too much though.I never wanna let go of my childhood too much.Too many people do that, then loose site of the exciting way to see life,They loose thier silliness,which I think is an important thing to have.

I just need to discuss this with mah mother and decide what I'm a bringin wit me and then,bamm I'm all out.!

I will write later.

From mah new house!


nitey nite mah childrens.

Hopefully I wil begin my new life and grow up a little.

4:53 a.m. . by Timm Jumper