
Merry fucking christmas!

Merry fucking christmas!!

I don't care much for this holiday but I have less to complain about then alot So I take what happiness i can today in comfort.

Even though it is a commercial holiday based on a christain belief I don't even really believ and combined with other religons unbekown to most.Like santa and the christmas tree for example are both pagan.

Even if you are christain,jesus was suppsoedly born in the spring you stupid christain fucks!

Anyway,I still love my family and turkey and I got nice and drunk on eggnog and rum today so it wasn't all bad.

There was a big snow storm today so my brother and his kids didn't make it,but it was neat to see all the snow.

Also ,I had a lovely long,long phone conversation with a beautiful girl so that made me happy,even though I was hopped up on nog and probably sounded like an ass.

She makes my heart go pee!!!

I had a friend when I lived in Lake Meade,I used to walk to his house almost every night during my scool days and the year after I quit.

It was 2 Christmas's ago i think,he got a new motorcycle and on christmas eve,wrecked into a big rock and died,I always remember that.

We weren't as close as most friends,but I still liked him a good bit and miss him.

I feel really bad for his family.

What a horrible christmas!

I had a couple dreams about him afterwards,and still do from time to time.

Right after he died I had a dream i was talking to him and he looked really happy,then turn really bright and vanished.I wrote a letter to his parents,trying to ease the pain a little,his mom called me twice and sent me a picture.

She loved my letter and believed me about all the things I said.It turned out she dreamnt things too and saw him.

I really hope they are ok.Today I set aside all my trivial discomforts and try to stay in a good mood,for them ,and anyone going thru the same.

We feed off the energy we put out,and people really need the warmth and love ,to get thru such sad sad events.

So smile alittle,but don't just limit it to a bastardized version of a commercialed christain/pagan belief.

Do it as often as possible.

Merry whatever! just remeber those who need you most,even if they don't know it.

12:32 a.m. . by Timm Jumper