
Yay! for slupees and liquor stores!


I',m actually in a good mood today!

I gots me a job at the liguor store and I'm gonna be makin like 10 bucks an hour! woo hoo!

I don't have to do much cause it's a state job and I get mad health benfits.The works!

I can gett all healthy for free!

Then I went to 7-11 to get me some smokes and I found a dollar!

I tried to give it to the hindu guy and he said"You can keep it"

I was like"yay! I'ma buy the biggest slurpee you got man!"

So now I gots a high payin do nothin job,crazy full health benefits,and a big blue tasy treat to drink!

I'm gonna smile all day !

4:07 p.m. . by Timm Jumper