
I went to the beach,i came home,goodnight

Well,I've returned from my beach adventure.

Rather boring as I suspected.I mainly sat around or slept.A bit of drinking was involved,not too much though,I'm on certain restrictions from the crazy drinking alone.

I enjoyed seeing my papa again,although I get saddened sometimes by the insanities and compulsions that exsist in his brain.

I usually put things aside and focus on what I like or just time spent toghether,but sometimes it's too hard not too notice .

The beach isn't quite the same to me anymore.I guess I don't appreciate the things I did when I was younger.I've found beauty in other things and have trouble enjoying the outside world at all by myself.

I guess your environmental surroundings don't mean jack shit if you stay inside all the time.Oceans,mountains,deserts,or the dirty ,insect filled city all look the same when your in a room with the curtains drawn and lights dimmed low.

"I remember this,it resembles Hell!"

Thats a quote from a song i like and listened too at zee beach.


"The rabbits play no more

The little birds are weary

The buttercups are folded up

Goodnight,goodnight my deary

The children in the country

The children in the city

Go to their beds,with nodding heads

Goodnight,Good night my pretty"

Thats a poem I like,do you like it?

11:03 p.m. . by Timm Jumper