
Chocalate and monkeys..

Whack a mole monkies and a waste of money,thats what my day was.

Walking around a theme park all day I realized how much I don't like the masses or mass corporations that pedal chocolate on youngsters like it was crack,but more exspensive.

I only went on 4 fucking rides and spent too much money on shitty food and arcade games..my friends went to see tom petty but I wasn't quite in the mood to spend more money to waste my time.Not like I have a life anyway,just didn't feel up to it.So I go home early,well try for about an hour,but get lost in western bumfuck..high and eating cookies.

Got to sit in a hot car for about an hour watching people drink and engage in other activities while I feel like shit yet maintain my mission to "not die".

So all in all ..I should have stayed the fuck in bed.in fact I'm rather lost to the reason of why I ever wake up, well at least I won a money fiend..


by the way..my monkey's name is momo in case anybody gives a shit

8:56 p.m. . by Timm Jumper