

Day of the devil is here my lovelies!
6 6 6!!!
I am currently toasting the almighty beast with a glass of Casillero del Diablo cabernet.
It is a fine Chilean wine in which it's title translates to
"Cellar of the Devil."
Apparently the vineyards master, back in it's early days in Chile, that being the vineyard of Concha y Toro, would set aside the wines in which he was ecspecially proud of, or found to be the best, in the cellars,and to deter others from stealing or sampling these wines ,a rumor was started that The Devil himself dwelt in those same cellars, thus scaring off any possible wine theifs or children.
Thus the name depicted on the bottle in front of me now, "Casillero del Diablo"
Cellar of the Devil.
I must say it is quite nice.
Tonight I am going to see the remake of "The Omen"
Join me in a glass oh angel of morning!

12:33 a.m. . by Timm Jumper