

I feel off.
Perhaps I abused myself a little too much, but it feels more like an emotional sickness right now.
I had a lovely time for what it was,despite a nasty hangover. Lovely walks and closeness that has been absent and missed for awhile.
Not sure if I just miss my friends from my little visit, or if in trying to comfort I absorbed a little sadness.
I hope I helped.
it's hard to stay so close to somone for a long time without life or just differences tearing you apart.We go our own ways, or eventually discover something ugly about that person we can no longer ignore, so when you realize you've pretty much seen the worst and figure if your paths were to split, they'd have done so by now, you know you adore this person. Eh, i always get down when I come back. Just seemed a little harder this time. Much love adn be well.

4:58 p.m. . by Timm Jumper