
Guns and lips and uh oh!

Oh my what an amusing evening.
It started off innocent enough.Me, Jamen and his wife watching a movie, discussing possible dinner plans.Some sips of wine and a nip of the whiskey.
Then,I'm not sure how, but it somehow turned into a drunken, midnight escapade to Walmart for guns and a movie with Cillian Murphy.
Apparently Walmarts selecion of small artillery was not to Jamen's standards,so we just bought 28 Days Later.
I'm gonna be completely honest here,I think the whole "shopping for guns" was just to try to "butch up" our real agenda, to buy 28 Days Later in which Cillian does full frontal.This idea stemmed from a way too serious discussion on how "Damn beautiful" Cillian Murphy is.
I think I remember,after repeatedly agreeing,"yes his lips do look soft",I might have said something to the effect of" Hey,In 28 Days Later you can see his penis!"
So off we went.
Now for some reason,(mainly being drunker then holy hell),Jamen developed an odd British accent while purchasing this film,which quickly spead to me.
We then proceeded to drive home,watch the movie,and complain that he just was as pretty with a beard.
I also recall an awkward silence during the nude scene,in which we both most likely felt a small fear at the threat of our sexuality.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
That's right,Call me what you want Jamen,but I'll take you down with me if need be!

Well, in all honesty,and to try to somewhat salvage our masculinty along with our heterosexuality, you can't blame us for noticing how pretty he is ,I mean c'mon!! look for yourself!!!

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4:56 p.m. . by Timm Jumper