
What's my poison?

I'm so itchy!
It started 2 days ago and now I have poison everywhere, and it fucking sucks cock!
It's on my arms,legs fingers,ears and yay!, my eyes!
I'm going to the doctors in an hour or so,hopefully he'll inject me with some kind of anti-poison-itch-be-gone.
I got to go to this big wine festival at the Hilton last night.
There was so much wine I was overwhelmed.
I was worried I would present myself as some ignorant,white trash, drunkard, but I ended up acting more civilized then everyone I knew there.
My assistant mananger,who I met up with there,showed up drunk,and the wine specialist (that told me I couldn't hang around him,because he had important people to talk to), got drunk and came up to me yelling,"There's my boy Tim!,yah!!,High five!!",then he proceeded to drag me around to several tables,pouring wine,after wine in my glass,proclaiming,"This is the shit here!",
then more high fives.
Not that all of it wasn't amusing as hell,just I was trying hard to sip,and drink moderately,so I wouldn't look like a drunken ass,while I could have just been running to each table,throwing back glass after glass,and hooting all the way.
Oh well,there's always next year.

11:57 a.m. . by Timm Jumper