
Happy Birthday Sir!

Guess who has a birthday tomorrow!!?
Here's a hint,
He Like to paint,loved his mother,had alot of passion,was a visonary and overcame alot of adversities to become the powerful leader of a super power,also he had cool hair.
Thats right!,It's Hitler's birthday!!!!
So don't forget to take a moment out of your day to silently wish Mr. Heetler a happy birthday!!
Love him or hate him,he made a noticable difference,and it's his birthday!
Ha ha ha.
I'm such a bastard!
Oh oh oh!,On a somewhat related note,
Did you know our new pope was once in the Hitler youth?
Yup,I think the Catholic church went up a notch in my book.
That puts them at only -99!
Apparently now it's ok to fuck kids and be a Nazi!

11:02 p.m. . by Timm Jumper