
No hope for the Pope!

So My prediction is that old, decrepit,mumbling fucker of a Pope will be dead by the end of the week,and I'm going to laugh and laugh.
Just too bad they'll just pick another one with some bull shit ceremony and bullshit about how he performed a "miracle"

"Oh that's so evil Tim!,he's a saint,and loved by millions!,You're sick"
If anyone actually thinks he's anything good,and thinks I'm an ass for saying otherwise,Fuck you! ,you ignorant,blind asshole!
I despise the Catholic church even more so then other religions,simply due to how much damage they have done to mankind,while sadistically leading all these blind sheep into a life of fear and guilt and even pediatric sodomy.
I mean any other fucking pervert fucks a boy he gets sent to jail for a long time and hopefully gets the shit beat out of him while he's in there,but a fucking"holy" man of god does it,he just gets sent to a new church with a fresh new stock of kids to fuck,meanwhile the pope sits there half sedated by age and ignorance while all these even sicker assholes kiss hiss fucking feet and bow to every noise that mutters off his weathered lips as the true word of a god(who apparently has no problem with sodomizing children,but wair a fucking condom when you have consensual sex with you're significant other,and burn in hell)
Fuck the Catholic church and fuck that soon to be rotting old fuck!

12:21 a.m. . by Timm Jumper