
Fondu of love!!

FONDU-Blending; passing into each other by subtle gradations,

....Today was a lovely day indeed.It began like many days,with a hangover and fuzzy memories of silly conversation from the previous night.

I awoke,summoned Catherine to my house for the journey was to soon begin,also I needed some aleve to work it's tiny blue magic on my aching brain.

Jessica!,we called upstairs,time to wakey,we our going to the land of strawberries.

Strawberry square,it is the center of Harrisburg where all the busy busy business folk and visiters congregate for luncheon or a quick snack or porn magazine.

Basicaly it is a glamorized food court outlined in strawberries in the heart of the city.

It used to be much more magestic to me as a child,but we still had a lovely visit.

We dined on subway and a pretzel,then off to the Museum.

Oh it was lovely indeed!They just added a new black and white art exhibit with lovely photographs,paintings and other exhibits,and they had this little guest book with a sign encouraging all to leave a little sketch or simply write something.

I leafed thru it,noticed someone had drawn aninme and quickly drew a picture of Fancy G. giving him the finger with a caption saying"Fuck you!,I hate anime!"

Jessica ,being the adorable pixie she is,drew the tickelywoosh with lovely stars and a moon and some captions I can't quite recall.

An employee,some very nice black lady,came up and started telling her about an art contest they have,and how she should enter some art.She gave her an entry form,actually 2,one for her,and one for her bestest friend,*wink wink* I think you know who you are you beautiful pancake of sass!!,That's right,they know all about your wonderful heads now!!

We then ventured around the museum,I gave a very rush rush,half-assed tour of everything"There's a big bug,there's a bird,there's a beaver,....let's go ,quick in pace girls!"

The museum was about to close so I had little time for a proper tour.

We then ventured out into the frigid cold city and I yelled at the capitol,calling them horse fuckers again,(that's another story altogether)

We made a quick trip to the liquor store where we aquired some honey liquor and a lovely german reisling(spatlese of course).

Then a trip to the market for cheeses and fruits,and then back to the house where we began the loveliest,fancy filled fondu party!!!!

we dipped and dipped our fonduy hearts out!

We drank the German wine,drank the honey booze,and ate of cheesy delights!

Then we watched one of my favorite movies,Immortality!!!

Jessica loved it soo much I thought she would surley burst with beauty!!!

I forgot how good that movie was.

Oh,and I would like to thank that lovely meggy for showing me that movie in the first place,I love you!,I soo missed you tonight,you belonged there!

Anyway,It was most definitely one of the nicer days I've had in awhile,Our energies all seemed to pass into eachother in a lovely artistic,cheesy,liquor enhanced pot of love!!

A fondu of love!

2:25 a.m. . by Timm Jumper