
Smiles for this .

There is this horrible sadness it seems,that has been infecting me and everyone I love.

Perhaps it's simply simultanious inconvenience.

I don't really beleive in anything more right now.

All I know is,it's no kind of fun at all.

I'm learing to deal with my own heartache,and teaching myself the value of simple frienndship.

Well,not simple,but learning the difference between that and glamorized hollywood romance.

What is left,what will be,is something you will never see a cheesy ,romantic movie based on.

Something more.Something,dare I say,permenant?

I still long for what I've always dreamed and wanted.I know dreams often are simply that,dreams,yet it's very hard to let go of something you've invested so much thought and time into.

We all chase something,and unfortunately,the chase often ends up being more thrilling then the catch.

The hunt more important then the kill.

Touch a star ,and you will burn.

Sorry to sound so cliched,he he.

All I'm saying is,well,I'm not quite sure,just that I love my friends,and the ones I am really close too,will not fade as easily as all those horrible relationships I've been doomed to long for.

Sadly,I still want one.

I am better now,in some aspects.I hope that comforts someone.

much ,much love!

Let's hope this sadness passses,and lets all be there for eachother.

I smile for you,for all of you,even when I feel I can't,I love you .

Nitey nite

4:22 a.m. . by Timm Jumper