
Save us from the light.!!

Sanity no longer resides here,she has been digested and excreted..Save us from the light!!

Ha ha..Thats what it says on my front door.A peice of paper in which I scribbled that during a fit of complete insanity.

Boones Farm and Tussin eventually will drive you insane,but sweet jesus is it ever amuzing.

The windows have been taped up,curtains stapled to the walls,and it appears a couple of rampid animals were set loose on the laundry.

Where are my pants!?!,Why they are shoved under the bathroom door of course.We wouldn't want to let any of that poisonous light seaping in and destroying our artificial night now would we?

Don't misunderstand my actions,i'm not doing these things to escape,or because of any deep seeded emotional distress,I'm simply developing a fancy walk.

One's character can be souly judged upon their walk.


5:45 p.m. . by Timm Jumper