
You will never know where I be!

Where I am?

I be at my friends house.

In the ghettho of Abbotstown.

I am definitely having a vunderful evening.

Hey pretty pretty Meghan!,I'm only like a mile away from your Mum's house.

I remember I used to pick you up there and we would have marvelous adventures.

I miss those days soo soo much.I think they might have been the best times of my life.


So I hear I am in your couch?!


Well it is time for sleepiness.

I bid thee farewell,and wish the the most vunderful times.

I love you crazy goblin pixies.

Even though you hurt my ears with you cute cute beautiful laughter.

Nitey nite my precious!

7:46 a.m. . by Timm Jumper