
I'm ok,I'm o.....

It's funny.sometimes you never realize how much people love you untill they think you might die.Well not so much funny as shocking yet comforting.

I'm ok

I'm ok

I'm ok

I think i'm ok.

I don't know..I want to be ok.

I'm kinda scared and soo damn tired of not knowing how to deal with this.

My grammie told me alchoholism is a disease,I said"yeah,well apparently it's the only disease you get yelled at for having,I mean you'd never say ,damn it tim you have cancer..he he"

I know It's scary.I know .

I'm sorry ..I don't want to hurt people anymore..

i am trying..I just want to wake up not feel so sedated and asleep..and lonely.

I'm tired now.tired and sick..goodnight computer..hello bed

5:09 a.m. . by Timm Jumper